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form keramiek

Form is going to say goodbye to a number of beautiful items from their collection and will unfortunately not return. These gems now have a nice price with a discount of up to 40%. If one of these beauties is still on your wish list, now is the time.

Form (formerly Hella + Elke) is a unique ceramics brand by Dutch ceramic artists Hella Duijs and Elke Peters. Their collaboration began when Elke, after graduating, joined a studio in Nijmegen and met Hella. With a shared passion for ceramics and design, they quickly formed a creative partnership.The result of this collaboration is a collection in which form, color and material are central. 'A total concept', as they describe it themselves, 'in which all objects in the collection can be combined with each other.'

mix & match

The collection consists of various interior items and utensils that are available in Form's signature color palette of purple, salmon, sand, white speckle, cobalt, green and terra.

Due to the beautiful use of color but also the diversity of shapes, the items are extremely suitable for mixing and matching, and no combination is boring.

Nice detail: all the beautiful items from Form Ceramics are named after family, friends and other (for them)  important people in their environment. Lovely isn't!

Form is going to say goodbye to a number of beautiful items from their collection and will not be returning. These gems now have a nice price, so if one of these beauties was still on your wish list, now is the time.

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