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lemon poppy

Lemon Poppy is a Dutch tea label that brings Albanian mountain tea to the Netherlands. This herbal tea, also known as Çaj Mali ('ts-jai mali') or Sideritis Raeseri. Çaj Mali is a delicate, sweet tea that grows along the Albanian Mediterranean coast at an altitude of 1800 meters. The herbal tea is not only warming in the cold winter but is also traditionally used as a support for colds and other health problems, because it is rich in iron and antioxidants.

Lemon Poppy was founded in 2015 by Edvina who has been drinking the tea since her childhood. She thought it was important to establish a brand with ethically produced, sustainable products. This takes into account the impact of Lemon Poppy tea on people and the planet at every stage of production.

Lemon Poppy's organic, caffeine-free herbal tea is carefully selected in Albania and purchased from local farmers. Once in the Netherlands, the tea is packed by hand in environmentally friendly packaging. The loose-leaf tea can easily be disposed of with the green waste, without having to worry about synthetic tea bags.


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