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  • NADesign NADesgin ceramic christmas bell - matt green
  • NADesign NADesgin ceramic christmas bell - matt green
  • NADesign NADesgin ceramic christmas bell - matt green
  • NADesign NADesgin ceramic christmas bell - matt green

NADesgin ceramic christmas bell - matt green

€8,95 €4,50 Incl. tax

Unique handmade Christmas bell from NADesign in matt green ceramic. Beautiful pendant for the Christmas tree or on a nice large branch.

In stock (8) (Delivery:2 - 4 working days)

This beautiful Christmas clock from NADesign is made of ceramic. Brings a Nordic style to your Christmas this year. The Christmas bell is beautiful in your Christmas tree, but also on a beautiful branch or on the table.

- material: ceramic and white/golden cord
- colour: matt green
- size: 9.3 cm or 9,8 cm high

Because the pendants are made entirely by hand, they are all unique and can sometimes have small imperfections.

NADesign makes Net Anders (meaning: just a little bit different) utensils and (home) accessories. Designs, sometimes everyday, sometimes very specific, but always with a different view of the world.

More NADesign 

ceramics / fijne prijs / fijne prijs kerst / handgemaakt / hanger / keramiek / kerst / kerstbel / kerstklok / nadesign / xmas

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