maison KOOS is an online concept store for the self-confident woman who is looking for products with a clean, timeless and unique design. Our starting point is that we offer a selection of items from small labels that produce in limited editions and in a responsible way.

founded | maison KOOS was founded by Kirsten Oosterwaal, married to the sweetest and mother of 2 fun, headstrong children. The idea for maison KOOS came a few years earlier during her honeymoon where she came across a beautiful Greek brand, which was not yet available in the Netherlands. In her mind she saw a beautiful webshop with this brand supplemented with all kinds of other nice products that you would not find on every street corner.

At first it remained an idea, but after years of working in retail and commercial services, Kirsten was ready for something new. The seed that was planted in Greece at the time blossomed again. At the end of January 2016, maison KOOS went live: a webshop full of carefully selected and unique products.

about | maison KOOS

curated | from the south of the country, we are looking for small brands and products of good quality with a sustainable character that will last a lifetime. Sustainability is an important yardstick for maison KOOS. We want to sell something special and timeless, but in the most honest way possible. That is why we also like to select our products for the most environmentally friendly production possible, preferably handmade and using natural materials.”

maison KOOS is the online concept store that meets your need not to follow all the trends and hypes, but gives you the choice of beautiful items of good quality that you can enjoy for a long time. Read more about maison KOOS and the origin of this online concept store here .

- gifts & goods with a unique and clean design -